Gigatron, Predacon Leader
Gigatron (ギガトロン, Gigatoron) is the leader of the Predacons with the ability to take on six forms. He claims to have decimated numerous planets during his campaign for Predacon supremacy before the Beast Wars on Animatron in search of energon. He appears to have come into conflict with Optimal Primal and his Maximals numerous times before.
Although Gigatron is a great and powerful warrior, he typically leaves the fighting to his Predacon lackeys, such as Sky-Byte, preferring to stalk around his headquarters the Megastar and berate his underlings when they inevitably fail.
- Voice actor: Daniel Riordan (English), Yōichi Kobiyama (Japanese)
The brilliant and evil leader of the Predacons, Gigatron will destroy anything and anyone in order to get what he wants. And what he wants on Animatron is the energy contained in the planet. But Gigatron has no interest in sharing - he’ll conquer the planet and take it all for himself. He has survived numerous battles and is an excellent fighter - making him a deadly enemy. His many victories have helped him gain the power of a six-step change skill.
His alternate modes are an animatronian bat, car, hand, jet, and twin-headed dragon.
- Predacons
- Dark Scream
- Gas Skunk
- Slapper
- Waspinator
- Sky-Byte
- Scorponok
- Terrorsaur
- Hotbug
- Quickstrike
- Gripjaw
- Decepticons
- Tarantulas
- Blackarachnia
- Beastimus Prime
- Undermine
- Tripredacus Council
- Ram Horn
- Sea Clamp
- Cicadacon