Velocitron, otherwise known as the Speed Planet, was colonized by a group of spacefaring, trailblazing Cybertronians aboard the starship Ogygia eons ago. Huge superhighways and racetracks crisscross the surface of this desert planet, patrolled by colossal cleaning and road repair drones.
Racing is the order of the day for the denizens of the Speed Planet, and if you're not a racer, working for a racer, or watching a race, then you're clearly not a Velocitronian. This is no planet for the slow-moving or bulky Cybertronians; everyone, from the enormous to the elderly transforms into some variety of high-powered racing vehicle. Even the slowest of Velocitronians can outrun most offworlders.
Most of the globe was covered in seas of sand interspersed with rocky cliffs, though reportedly it had a "bayou" region that was a bit more swampy in nature. The Diablo Desert was part of an offroad race on Velocitron. It was a hazardous course wracked by sandstorms and a deadly "quicksand zone", whose vortices could appear without notice.Sand
The planet-spanning super-races, the Speedia 500 and the Planet Cup, were some of the most important events in Velocitronian society. So obsessed were the Velocitronians with speed that the winner of the Planet Cup would become the planet's ruler. Till the recent arrival of the Autobots and Decepticons from the forgotten world Cybertron, Override Prime held court (the first and only female Velocitronian to do so), but she was defeated in an upset by the teamwork of Bumblebee and Blurr.
Velocitron, like its three sister planets Gigantion, Animatron, and Earth were threatened by the prophocies of Unicron. Only the discovery of the planet's Cyber Planet Key, which over time had come to be used as the trophy for the Planet Cup race, could ensure its survival.